Morganville F.D. Donates Apparatus to Hope Fire Co.

Photo by JOHN RIETHEx-Morganville, NJ Fire Dept. 1990 Mack RD/4 Guys Tender-pumper. It has a 1000-gpm pump and 3500-gallon tank.

Photo by JOHN RIETHMembers train on the new-to-them 1990 Mack, ex-Morganville Mack.

Photo by JOHN RIETHHope Fire Co.'s new-to-them 1990 Mack RD, is next to their 1988 Mack R 6000-gallon tractor-trailer tender.

Photo by JOHN RIETHEngineer John Rieth is with the 1990 Morganville Mack, at it's last parade in Atlantic County in the fall of 2023, where it won 2nd place tender.

Photo by JOHN RIETHJacobstown engine has set up at fill site , and is work on their own tender, as well as New Egypt's tender at the recent training with Hope Fire Co.
The Morganville Fire Department has recently donated their 1990 Mack RD/4Guys Tender Pumper to the Hope Fire Co. of Upper Freehold Township, and Allentown, NJ.
Tender 28-3-96 had a 1000-gpm pump and a 3500-gallon tank, and was equipped with a 4000-gallon drop tank. It was originally operated by the Morganville Independent Fire Co., and by 2018 it was operated by the newly established Morganville Fire Dept. The Mack was in great shape and will be an asset to the members of Hope Fire Co.
This award-winning apparatus collected more than 50 awards in the past 11 years! It participated in parades and musters throughout New Jersey and New York.
Recently, Hope Fire Co. held a training session to get acquainted with the new-to-them tender, along with other local fire departments including Millstone FD, Jacobsville Fire Co., and New Egypt Fire Co.
Morganville has a new Rosenbauer Pumper-Tender on order, with delivery expected in 2024.