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Vancouver firefighters battle another 4th alarm

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August 06, 2005 | CAN - BRITISH COLUMBIA SHANE MACKICHAN, Senior Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

VANCOUVER, BC - On Aug 4 2005, Vancouver Fire & Rescue firefighters battled their second 4th alarm in a week. The first alarm was dispatched at 03:01 hrs Q12 E12 E19 Q4 R4 B3 for reports of multiple houses on fire at 5th Ave & Macdonald st in the city's Kitsilano neighborhood. First arriving units Q12 E12 reported two 2-1/2 story houses fully involved, a 2nd alarm was immediately requested bringing E7 Twr7 to the scene. Minutes later it was realized that this was a very fast spreading fire and now three, possibly four homes were now involved, a 3rd alarm was requested, E10 L10 R21 B1 were dispatched. A 4th alarm was requested a short time later bringing in 25 off-duty firefighters and R8. The suspicious fire that destroyed 5 homes, also left 24 people homeless, but there were no reports of injuries.

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SHANE MACKICHANSenior Correspondent

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