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In the Line of Duty
Daniel Foley, 27 - Lakeview, Oregon
James "Jim" Cova, 54 - St. Louis, Missouri
Matthew Tobben, 42 - Columbia, Missouri
Charles "Charlie" Parker, 74 - Chittenden, Vermont
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Media Kit
Download the 2016 issue of 1st Responder Broadcast Network Media Kit.
How to Submit Photos & Video
If you want to see your department’s activities in
the newspaper and on the Internet, as a 1RBN Correspondent you have the powers to make that happen.
Current Photo Standings
Photo Contest Suspended
At this time, 1st Responder has decided to suspend our correspondent photo contest. We have awarded two winners for the July contest and those correspondents will be receiving their gift cards shortly. We are re-evaluating the contest and will consider resuming it in the future. As always, we appreciate your support of 1st Responder ... the definitive source of local fire, rescue and EMS news.
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