Structure Fire with Entrapment Reported in Lower Township

Photo by Jackson PyleMembers from Quint 60 stretching the initial attack line through the front door.

Photo by Jackson PyleVillas Chief 60 operating at the scene of a working fire in the Villas section of Lower Township, NJ.

Photo by Jackson PyleTower 61 members clearing the roof after performing vertical ventilation
VILLAS, NJ - Just after 2:00 P.M. on November 23, 2024, all Lower Township companies and Green Creek Fire Company (Squad 73 RIT) were dispatched to the 200 block of W Delaware Pkwy for a reported structure fire with entrapment.
Chief 60 and Quint 60 arrived finding fire showing from a single-story residence and cleared the entrapment report. Quint 60, Tender 60, Squad 60, Squad 62, Tower 61 and Squad 73 operated on the box.