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3 Firefighters Sworn In For Norwich

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At 3 pm on Monday, 12/12/2022 a swearing in and badge pinning ceremony was held at Norwich Fire Headquarters for our newest Probationary Firefighters.

Firefighter Jensen Martin was pinned by his grandfather, Charles Martin, a retired firefighter with the City of Norwich Fire Department. Firefighter Martin has been assigned to Squad-A on Platoon 2.

Firefighter Ryan Mocek was pinned by his father, Warren Mocek, a retired Deputy Chief of the Norwich Police Department. Firefighter Mocek has been assigned to Engine 3 on Platoon 4.

Firefighter Devon Waters was pinned by his father, Mark Waters, a Battalion Chief with the New London Fire Department. Firefighter Waters has been assigned to Engine 3 on Platoon 3.

These three firefighters come from a background in public safety and we welcome them into our organization to continue the next generation of Norwich Firefighters.

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RYAN FLAHERTYCorrespondent

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