Helicopter stand by
December 09, 2023 | NEW YORK
BOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent

Photo by bob mccormickNFD set up LZ for Medevac

Photo by bob mccormickNFD set up LZ for Medevac

Photo by bob mccormick NFD set up LZ for Medevac

Photo by bob mccormick NFD set up LZ for Medevac

Photo by bob mccormickNFD set up LZ for Medevac
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Newburgh FD was dispatched December fourth to set up landing zone for a incoming Medevac at Downing Park. City/Newburgh Police and FD were at LZ. Mobile Life ALS arrived and
transferred small child with burns to the Medevac crew. Subject was loaded with the help of the firefighters into the Medevac. Medevac airlifted child to Westchester Medical Center.
New Windsor Detectivves were also at scene. New Windsor Police investigating the incident.