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Fire Prevention

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

New Windsor FD went to New Windsor School on October 13th to teach the students about Fire Prevention. Firefighters showed the students all the equipment that 

the Engines carry and what it is used for. Also they taught the students about having a meeting place at home if they ever do have a fire. Yelling FIRE as loud as you can 

so everyone in the home can hear you and dialing 911 give your address and the reason for the call. Two firefighters dressed up in full turn out gear and went thru the crowd 

so the students could touch them-so if they see them they wouldn't be scared of them. Firefighters answered questions and went thru the engines front seats and back to see 

what it was like. 

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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