Structure Fire, 915 Ostrum St. in Bethlehem
August 27, 2024 | PENNSYLVANIA
ALAN HOFFMAN, Correspondent

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
On August 27th at 3:50 pm the Fountain Hill Fire Department Station 34, Engine 20 Eastern Salisbury, Engine 12-11 Freemansburg, Truck 16-21 Lower Saucon, Rescue 2 Catasauqua for RIT and St Lukes Medic 73 were dispatched for a structure fire, smoke on the third floor at 915 Ostrum st at St Lukes school of Nursing the Trexler Building, Once on the scene the source of the smoke was found and Chief 34 held the call to Quint 34 and Truck 16-21 and the rest of the units were recalled.