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Wet Down-New Engine/ATV

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Saturday August 24th-Middlehope Fire Department held their Wet Down for Engine 339-2024-Spartan-Gladiator-2250 GPM/1100 Gal/Tank also New 2024 Polaris 1500XD

Northstar Ultimate Edition UTV-25. Companies responded north of State Route 9W-turned into the driveway where they sprayed water on the two machines. Middlehope had

port a pool filled and two of three lines stretched to attack the other FD'S members. GoodWill-Winona Lake and Cronomer Valley responded and washed down rge engine and ATV.

Refreshments and hot dogs/hamburgers were cooked by members of Middle Hope FD-Swet Shirts/T shirts were on sale for the event. DJ SwizzMixz played the tunes during the event.

Suppied Air Horns as the engines were coming to the firehouse..

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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