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Funeral of Newark FF Wayne "Bear" Brooks, Jr.

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July 14, 2023 | NEW JERSEY RON JEFFERS, New Jersey Editor
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

First responders assembled for the second day in a row at Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, on Ridge St., Newark, July 14th, for the funeral of Firefighter Wayne "Bear" Brooks, Jr., of Ladder Co. 4, who died in-the-line-of-duty battling an intense fire on a cargo ship.  Members of the fire service family came from many venues.  A firefighter from France was in uniform to pay his last respects.  He was shoulder to shoulder with firefighters from places like Kansas City, MO; Baltimore City & County; Austin, TX; Boston, and more.  FF Brooks was posthumously promoted to the rank of fire captain.

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RON JEFFERSNew Jersey Editor

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