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Passaic Swears in Eight New Firefighters

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July 09, 2021 | NEW JERSEY JAMES WOOD, SR., Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

PASSAIC, NJ - On July 7th, Mayor Hector Lora from the City of Passaic swore in eight brave firefighters. These brave men have completed the Passaic County Fire Academy, are ready for firefighting, and will be under the command of Chief Patrick Trentacost. Pictured standing far right is Captain Chris Mandeville, the group's main fire instructor at the academy. Mandeville is also a retired NYFD fire captain. Gentlemen: eyes open, ears on God, bless all of you and come home safe. Make your department proud!

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JAMES WOOD, SR.Correspondent

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