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Mastic Fire Department Holds 2023 Installation Dinner

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

ROCKY POINT, NY - In May, the Mastic Fire Department held their Annual Installation dinner at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point. This year's dinner celebrated 98 years of service for the department.

During the event members were greeted by politicians from the state and local levels of government who were on hand to thank the department and fire district for their service to the community. Once the dignitaries were done with their remarks, the installation of the department's chiefs and officers commenced.

The chiefs and line officers for 2023 is as follows: Gene Martucci (Chief); Steve Januszkiewcz (Assistant Chief) Rudy M. Sunderman (Captain); Jason Lasek (1st Lieutenant); Tarren Kearns (2nd Lieutenant); Ian Arthur (2nd Lieutenant).

Several department members also received awards for years of service, number of alarms answered, number of late-night alarms answered, and Chiefs awards. Also, outgoing chief Rudy Sunderman presented a special award to firefighter Anthony Bender III for assisting the chief with fireground communications during his time in office. Chief Sunderman had a decommissioned cell phone and decommissioned radio mounted to a plaque with approval of the board and presented it to Firefighter Bender at the dinner.

Outgoing Chief Sunderman gave his remarks thanking the members of the department and his family for all their dedication and support during his time in office as chief prior to the closing remarks.

Congratulations to all the chiefs and officers on their elected positions and to the award winners.

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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