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Ezras Nashim Director Uses Social Media to Promote Social Distancing

Passover Holiday is celebrated with communal seder meals, but not this year

The Hon. Ruchie Freier, Paramedic and Director, Ezras Nashim BLS-FR, shared her decision for canceling her family’s Passover Seder amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic. She used her position within the community as the Director of Ezras Nashim, an all-women Orthodox Jewish Basic Life Support – First Responder agency to get the message out that Social Distancing even applies to special religious events, even major holidays.

Located in Boro Park - Brooklyn, she felt it was especially important to reach out to the women in the community, urging them to cancel family Passover seders with guests from other households.

While responding to medical emergencies is the primary goal, EMS agencies also play an essential role in Community Education and Public Health. This type of outreach is one example of how Ezras Nashim can help their community during this Pandemic while waiting for their ambulance CON to be approved.

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