4th Alarm - Dunbarton NH - 2/15/2024

Photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV

Photo by Sean Fesko/911 ERV
In the early evening hours of 2/15/2024, the Dunbarton Fire Department and automatic mutual aid were dispatched to a report of a garage fire near Mansion Road. The first-arriving officer reported a fully involved garage attached to a home and spreading rapidly. A second alarm was quickly dispatched, and a third alarm within 20 minutes due to the advanced fire load and lack of hydrants. Dunbarton and Concord crews quickly exhausted their in-tank water supply and relied on a tanker shuttle of area departments. A fourth alarm was later struck for additional manpower and tankers. However, due to a second fire 20 minutes away in Warner being toned soon after, a number of the fourth alarm companies were cut loose to respond to the second blaze.