Historic Stark Mansion Burns in Dunbarton

Photo by JAY HEATHA Weare firefighter stretches another hose line as the historic Stark Mansion burns in Dunbarton.

Photo by JAY HEATHA Concord firefighter vents between the barn and ell.

Photo by JAY HEATHFirefighters battle heavy fire in the rear of the building.

Photo by JAY HEATHFirefighters battle the fire in the rear of the building.

Photo by JAY HEATHThe barn collapsed in the rear of the house.

Photo by JAY HEATHThe large three-story historic Stark Mansion sustain heavy damage.

Photo by JAY HEATHA tanker shuttle was set up with numerous mutual aid tankers.

Photo by JAY HEATH
DUNBARTON, NH - On February 15th, calls came into Concord Fire Alarm for a barn on fire at 250 Mansion Road at 6:30 P.M. Automatic mutual aid was dispatched on the first-alarm. About a minute later, a lone Dunbarton firefighter arrived to find the barn fully involved and spreading rapidly into the historic Stark Mansion home that was once owned by General John Stark, built in 1785.
The historic three-story five-bedroom home made for a tough challenge for firefighters due to rapid fire spread and the lath and plaster ceilings and walls. Dunbarton Fire Chief Jonathan Wiggin in command transmitted four alarms and special called Concord's Tower Ladder 1. A tanker shuttle was set up with a water fill site from a nearby pond.
The heavy fire was knocked down by 9:30 P.M., and firefighters remained on scene for overhaul. There were no injuries reported and the cause is under investigation. Concord fire alarm dispatched another building fire in Warner the Capital Area Compact at 1955 that went to two alarms, stretching all mutual aid resources.