Bergen County Firemen’s Home Annual Christmas Entertainment a Huge Success

Photo by PROVIDEDThe buffet lunch prepared by Chef Prince

Photo by PROVIDEDBCFHA member John McLoghlin with member Jerry Naylis's granddaughter who entertained that day.

Photo by PROVIDEDThe Naylis family who entertained the residents and guests at the NJ Firemen's Home.

Photo by PROVIDEDThe members of the Bergen County Firemen's Home Association

Photo by PROVIDEDIncoming BCFHA President Justin Watrel with NJ Firemen's resident dog, Wells
We could not believe that it is time for a visit from Santa but on December 1st, 2024, the Members of the Bergen County Firemen’s Home Association all met again for our Annual Christmas Party for the residents of the NJ State Firemen’s Home. It is always a fun and festive afternoon for everyone.
The day started out with a wonderful buffet lunch that our organization hosted that was shared by all the members of the organization and their guests and the hard-working staff at the home who always help us and take such good care of the residents all through the year.
Chef Prince of the NJ Firemen’s Home did a wonderful job with the menu and we had a delicious meal of Chicken Picada, Baked Ziti, Deli sandwiches and salads, assorted breads, and a Chocolate cake from Rockland Bakery for dessert.
During lunch it was nice to catch up with other members on their holiday plans. We all had such a nice and relaxing lunch. Then it was time to join the residents for the afternoon entertainment. The afternoon entertainment with BCFHA member John McLoghlin and Jerry Naylis's granddaughters who both have been entertaining us for the last few parties.
It was a wonderful afternoon for all of the members, residents and guests enjoying the concert and the wonderful food. It was a nice way to start the holiday season.