Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc.

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Monday Night Training: Seat Assignments & Building Fire Simulation

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

June 26, 2023
The Limerick Fire Departments Monday night training incorporated using the regional fire 5-2 procedure (five engines - two ladders) and seat assignments. The department was "dispatched" from each station simulating a building fire incident at the abandoned Whiskey Girl Saloon on West Ridge Pike in Limerick Township. The crews on each apparatus followed their assignment according to the 5 and 2 procedure and seat assignments on each apparatus. Crews also practiced hose line advancement techniques. The juniors practiced setting up positive pressure fans for ventilation and briefly reviewed each apparatus on the scene. After training, everyone headed to Rita's Italian Ice for a sweet and cool treat to finish off the night.

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REGINA JELSKICorrespondent

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