Norwich Rope Training
February 20, 2024 | CONNECTICUT
RYAN FLAHERTY, Correspondent
Photo by Ryan FlahertyCaptain Zaugg discussing the system.
Photo by Ryan FlahertyFirefighters Desroches and Mocek set up tag lines to control the sway of the basket.
Photo by Ryan FlahertyFirefighters Desroches and Justice tying butterfly knots.
Photo by Ryan FlahertyFirefighters Rose and Tardif weaving the webbing to lash the stokes basket.
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
On 2/20/24 Norwich's 4 shift trained on patient packaging with the stokes basket and webbing. Following that, they practiced using the bucket of Truck 1 as a high point anchor. Building rope systems is a very perishable skill that we must practice often to stay proficient.