State News
New York
Firefighters respond to basement fire in Rush
February 10, 2025Firefighters respond to basement fire in RushJEFFREY ARNOLD, Senior Correspondent
Structure Fire
February 10, 2025Structure FireBOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Vehilc/Pole fire
February 10, 2025Vehilc/Pole fireBOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Salt Causing Numerous Manhole Incidents
February 09, 2025Salt Causing Numerous Manhole IncidentsDAVID BURNS, Senior Correspondent
Overloaded Dryer Catches Fire In South Troy Laundromat
February 08, 2025Overloaded Dryer Catches Fire In South Troy LaundromatJEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
2nd Alarm Apartment Complex Kitchen Fire In Watervliet
February 08, 20252nd Alarm Apartment Complex Kitchen Fire In WatervlietJEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
Fire in wall
February 07, 2025Fire in wallBOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Electrical Outlet Fire Extends Into The Wall On 1st Street.
February 06, 2025Electrical Outlet Fire Extends Into The Wall On 1st Street.JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
Yaphank overturn on Mill Rd
February 06, 2025Yaphank overturn on Mill RdPARKER AUSTIN, Correspondent
North Patchogue FD Combats House Fire
February 06, 2025North Patchogue FD Combats House FireBRADLEY FOWLER, Correspondent
Two Vehicle PIAA
February 05, 2025Two Vehicle PIAABOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Rollover Into Pole in New Scotland
February 03, 2025Rollover Into Pole in New ScotlandTHOMAS MARRA , Correspondent
Head-On MVA with Entrapment in Newburgh
February 02, 2025Head-On MVA with Entrapment in NewburghBOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Basement Fire in Geneseo
February 01, 2025Basement Fire in GeneseoJEFFREY ARNOLD, Senior Correspondent
Multiple Departments Respond to Third-Alarm in City of Newburgh
January 31, 2025Multiple Departments Respond to Third-Alarm in City of NewburghBOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
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