Three vehicle PIAA striking light pole
December 22, 2023 | NEW YORK
BOB MCCORMICK, Correspondent
Photo by bob mccormickVehicle strikes light pole
Vehicle strikes light pole
Photo by bob mccormick Vehicle strikes light pole
Photo by bob mccormick Vehicle strikes light pole
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Newburgh FD responded to a three vehicle PIAA South/DuBois Street on December 22nd. Vehicle struck and knocked down light pole
1/4 mile west of accident. Firefighters made three vehicles safe from hazards and stood by. One subject complained of pain-Mobile Life
ALS was called. One vehicle was impounded. One subject arrested for DWI. New York State Police investigeted the cause. They were assisted
by City/Newburgh PD.