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Newburgh FD-Childrens Christmas Party

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

At the Activity Center Saturday December Tenth children of Newburgh Bravest were inside waiting for a special person
to appear. It was Newburgh FD Children's Christmas Party. Outside a siren was heard as Newburgh's Ladder Truck entered
the parking lot . As the Ladder truck pulled up-out from the front seat Santa climbed down and entered the Activity Center. All
the children followed as he went over to a chair and Santa sat down. He asked the kids if they all been good-of course they all
said YES. With a helper from the Fire Department gifts were given to Santa and the names were read-children came up received their
gift and started to open them. After all the gifts were opened Santa stayed for a group picture. Fire Department had a luncheon just
before Santa arrived. Everyone seemed happy with the gift's Santa gave out.

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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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