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A Fire Inspector and Third Grade Students: Perfect Together

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November 22, 2023 | NEW JERSEY RON JEFFERS, New Jersey Editor
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Fairview Fire Inspector Pat Buglione has had a pet fire prevention program, that he organized, 12-years ago. 

The Borough's Fire Prevention Bureau and the Fire Department sponsor an annual fire prevention poster contest that is eligible to Fairview's third-grade students. Each year, a different theme is selected for students to concentrate on, for their posters, in reference to fire safety. This year's theme was, “Cooking safety starts with YOU!”. 

The contest is open to the third-grade students of Public School No. 3 and Academy of Our Lady of Grace. Students are informed about the importance of fire prevention in the home, the contest, the theme and the rewards for the winners. 

All third-grade participants were honored with a pizza luncheon at their respective school with firefighters. The grand prize winners received a class trophy and a ride on fire truck around town. This year, Engine 1 and Truck 2 took the winners for a ride that young children, usually, can only dream about.  

On the evening of November 3rd, students, parents and teachers joined firefighters and local officials at La Fortuna Restaurant, in Fairview, for dinner and ice cream! Excited students, accompanied by their parents, filled a ball room in the restaurant for the presentations. Winning posters were on display along the walls. It appeared to be just as exciting of a night for the parents as well as the students.

Before the winners stood up to pose with their trophy, Inspector Buglione offered the parents with a brief class on how to handle burning food on a stove. 

The winners at P.S. # 3, from Ms. Huet's class, were: Edisson Cortez, Kiara Gonzalez, Adriana Escobar, Olivia Estrada and Jessica Villar. The winners at Academy of Our Lady of Grace, from Ms. Rodriguez's class, were: Lola Urgo, Isabella Gayoma, Juliette Rizzo, Madalynne Pena and Isabella Donzi. 

Joining Inspector Buglione at the ceremony included Fire Chief Vincent Bellucci, Fire Official Dennis Licameli, and Inspectors Kristian Vera and Joseph D'Angelo. 

The excited winners posed for photos, with their trophy, taken by their proud parents. 

At the end of the ceremony, as people were leaving, many students and parents made it a point to stop at the fire department table to thank Inspector Buglione and the other fire department members.

As the students left the restaurant, Inspector Buglione replied, “These kids mean everything to me”.   

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RON JEFFERSNew Jersey Editor

No information from the author.