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Exeter Twp. Crash Closes Eastbound Route 422

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

EXETER TWP., PA - On Saturday, October 29th, Exeter Township Vol. Fire Department, along with Birdsboro Union Fire Department and LifeLion EMS, were dispatched to RT-422 and RT-345 for an accident with reported entrapment and fire. Exeter Chief Bickings was among the first on scene and confirmed there was no fire and that all occupants were out of the vehicles. Exeter firefighters arrived and provided hazard control while fire police directed traffic until tow trucks cleared the scene about one hour later.

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ETVFD PIOCorrespondent

The ETVFD Public Information Officer provides updates to the public and media on events the Exeter Township Volunteer Fire Department is involved in.