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Four Alarms Struck for Early-Morning Fire at Bronx Taxpayer

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October 10, 2023 | NEW YORK BILL TOMPKINS, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

BRONX, NY - At 3:48 A.M. on October 10th, Bronx dispatch sent units on a phone alarm for smoke in the lobby of a OMD at 3150 Rochambeau Ave. Battalion 27 arrived at 3:56 A.M. and reported a smoke condition, but it was originating on the next block on Bainbridge Ave. Ladder 56 arrived first at 3109 to 3117 Bainbridge Ave., a one-story 100' x 100' commercial building containing seven businesses, with heavy smoke showing. A second-alarm was transmitted at 4:02 A.M. as smoke was showing from multiple stores.

Division 7 transmitted a third-alarm with an additional two tower ladders at 4:17 A.M. All members were withdrawn shortly after as heavy fire broke through the roof. Tower Ladders 31 and 51 were put into operation in front of the structure, as well as several multiversals. Tower Ladder 33 operated from a rear parking lot off of a side street. A hand line was worked from a walkway of the OMD in the rear. By 6:00 A.M., four tower ladders were in operation. Six lines were stretched and working still hitting visible fire. The fire remained doubtful will hold.

The fire began to darken down and a fourth-alarm was sounded for relief at 6:39 A.M. Five of the seven businesses sustained fire damage, with the other two suffering smoke issues. The exposure 4 building, a one-story CVS Pharmacy, also had smoke throughout the store and cockloft. The Board of Health was summoned due to several of the businesses being food establishments. No serious injuries were reported. 

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BILL TOMPKINSCorrespondent

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