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700 plus High School Students Practice CPR

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Daniel Anderson, Former Tattnall County student and Firefighter with Glennville Volunteer Fire Department assisted members of the Vidalia Airmethods LifeStar Base with a Mass CPR Awareness Campaign at Tattnall County High School in Reidsville Georgia.
In May, Governor Nathan Deal signed into law a provision that Georgia public schools must at least show students a video on CPR and life-saving skills and today's event was just one of several planned to train our youth in this lifesaving skill
During this training students were made aware of the signs of cardiac arrest, the importance of calling 911 and had hands on training at performing chest compressions.
Robbin Perry, Base Manager for LifeStar II based out of Vidalia was quoted in the local media as saying "Once you teach a person CPR, it's been proven that they teach an average of 2.5 people,". "We taught 750 students today, you can do the math. This was a great day," she added.
Anna Anderson, Flight Paramedic who coordinated today's events with members of the LifeStar flight crews and Tattnall County High School Officials was extremely pleased with today's event and stated that the ability to teach one person these life saving skills is worth the effort and that today was just the beginning.

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JIM ANDERSONCorrespondent

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