Mastic Beach and MIRT Team Handle Water Rescue
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosMastic Beach FD crews prep 5-13-26 to respond to a water rescue.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire Photos5-13-26 Heads out .
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosMastic Beach FD on the Dock during a water rescue call.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire Photos
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire PhotosKevin Duffy from Mastic Beach Fire Police on scene.
Photo by John Walthers- Suffolk Fire Photos SCPD Marine Mike out on the water
MASTIC BEACH, NY - On July 19th, the Mastic Beach FD along with the local Marine Incident Response Team (MIRT) for the Mastic, Moriches, West Hampton Beach area, were activated for a report of a water rescue in the Narrows bay. The Suffolk County Police and the USCG were also notified for a response. Fire Officials began to launch the Fire Boat 5-13-26, however, a short time later they received word that Suffolk Police Marine Mike had already made contact and the person(s) were ok. The Mastic Beach FD and Mastic Beach Ambulance in addition to their mutual aid were released within under 25 minutes of the alarm being dispatched. No further details were available.