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Fire and EMS Responders Join SCPD 7th Precinct for Community Unity Night.

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Mastic Beach, N.Y.- On the evening of Wednesday August 14,2024 the Suffolk County Police Department 7th Pct Co hosted in partnership with other organizations a community unity event (National Night Out) at the William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach. The community unity event was original rescheduled from the week prior due to inclement weather. Despite the new date the event had many displays and demonstrations from the local first responder community.

This Included the Suffolk Country Police Medical Crisis Action team (Medcat) which consists of tactical medics trained to support the Emergency Services section in operations as well as other high priority calls at times like major crashes / crashes sometimes involving police, hostage type situations, school, church, office building shootings and stabbings and much more. Officer Mkalauskas who is also a local volunteer in western Suffolk County demonstrated to the public about treatment of Stab wounds and Gun Shot Wounds. Other Police contributions included a K-9 officer, the officer and her K-9 officer Doc were on hand for the public to ask questions about the K-9 unit, the aviation section did a fly over, the 7th precinct officers and their explorers handed out goodies to the community like popcorn and sodas to enjoy while walking the event.


The Local Fire Departments from Mastic and Mastic Beach brought out their fire trucks for the community to explore. The Mastic FD brought out an Engine, Mastic Beach FD brought out their Engine , Rescue and one of their high water rescues that is an old military surplus vehicle they acquired to use for flooding and or some areas that are prone to high waters being on the south shore of Long Island.  Mastic Beach, Shirley and Mastic Ambulance companies brought out members and ambulance to talk to the public and also allow the public and children to see the equipment they use for prehospital treatment and transport from various situations. In addition, some of the Fire and EMS agencies gave out educational materials as well as various goodies to the public and children like plastic fire helmets, key chains, educational coloring book, brochures and more.


 Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services (FRES) was represented by the Fire Marshals Section and Office of Emergency Management (OEM).   OEM Deputy Director Steven Januskiewicz and team member Christian Ptak were on hand to educate the public on things like Storm Preparedness, the county shelters, and the fact they are pet friendly in an emergency so that members do not have to leave behind their beloved furry family members in an emergency or get stuck behind because they have furry members of their family. They also introduced the public to the SMART 911 system application that they can use to store valuable info for the dispatchers and emergency responders in cases like flooding or a house fire, medical emergencies… etc. This tool could save time and lives of humans and their furry companions if the profile is up to date.  Fire Marshal Kevin was on hand teaching adults and children about the importance of fire extinguishers and proper use. 


 In addition to the 1st responders local elected leaders including Brookhaven Town Supervisor Dan Panico, Suffolk Executive Ed Romaine, representatives from Legislator James Mazarella’s office and State Senator Dean Murray were on hand to speak with visitors. Many community groups and companies had giveaways and hand outs about their organization, Babseball sign ups, food give aways and more. Despite the rescheduled date this was a very successful event with hundreds if not over a thousand people attending. Events like this are important for the community to build trust and cooperation through education. Thank you to the Suffolk County Police, Suffolk Fire Rescue, Mastic and Mastic Beach Fire Departments, Mastic, Mastic Beach and Shirley Ambulance and of course the County Executive Romaine, Brookhaven Town Supervisor Dan Panico’s office and State senator Dean Murray for their cooperation.

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JOHN WALTHERSSenior Correspondent

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