Berry Student Has Been Dedicated Volunteer at Atrium Health Floyd

ROME, Ga., April 15, 2024 – Berry College senior Adam Guyden has been a volunteer at Atrium Health Floyd ever since he came to Rome to attend school, and his service has not gone unnoticed.
“Adam is the most polite, respectful, and smart young man. We are grateful that he joined the Atrium volunteer team,” said Shawanta Whitehead, medical staff specialist. “Our future is in good hands.”
Guyden has been working this year with Whitehead helping Atrium Health Floyd transfer physician information from paper to the web. That makes it easier for Floyd to keep all records up to date for its medical staff.
A graduate of Clarkston High in Stone Mountain, he is part of the Berry College Bonner Scholars program, which requires students to volunteer at non-profit organizations like Atrium Health Floyd. April is National Volunteer Month.
He plans to attend the University of Pittsburgh’s clinical mental health master’s program.
Previously as a volunteer, Guyden wheeled the art cart through Atrium Health Floyd Medical Center, providing materials to patients who want to work on crafts while they are hospitalized.
“When I first started, I was part of the art cart program and the way that worked it allowed me to visit the different floors of the hospital and get more one-on-one interaction with patients, and I always enjoyed those.”
Guyden also took part in the Research Institute for Scholars of Equity (RISE) program that focuses on addressing social equity issues.
“Balancing being a fulltime student with volunteering and still finding time for homework, a social life and things like that can be a lot to schedule around,” Guyden said.
When he does have recreational time, he enjoys listening to music, playing PlayStation 5 games against his brother and hanging out with friends.