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Fire Destroys Homeless Camp in City of Venice

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Venice, FL - A fire in a homeless camp behind the Venice Walmart not only burned the camp on July 11th, but also took five-acres of forest.

Venice FD, along with Sarasota, Nokomis and Florida Division of Forestry battled the fire. Firefighters were hampered by high temperatures, low humidity and windy conditions.

Sarasota Sheriff's Dept. Air-1 assisted by making bucket drops and observations. State Forestry was able to disk and blade a line around the fire, which allowed brush trucks to patrol and mop-up the area. Due to the deep duff layer, the fire would smolder, needing extensive mop-up.

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WILLIE CIRONESenior Correspondent

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