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Mock DWI-Drill-Battalion Two

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Battalion Two Fire Departments with Town/Montgomery Police and EMS staged a mock DWI DRILL infront of Valley Central High School on May 22nd at 1:00 PM.

Students were in the bleachers and standing while Anthony Trapini-Coldenham FD-announced the scene. Al Valks wreckers and workers took the tarps off the vehicles.

Anthony started saying the girls were on their way home from the prom-driver of vehicle answered her cell phone drifted into the on coming vehicle. Both vehicles had damage 

one student was ejected from the vehicle and laid on the ground. Fire Departments-Police-EMS all came to the High School-firefighters worked to get the doors off the vehicles-

EMS waited till they could remove the Staff Sergeant that was hit head on. Town/Montgomery was placing handcuffs on the driver driving under the infulence. Meanwhile the female 

was checked by EMS that was ejected-firefighters placed a white sheet over her. Anthony went into great detail about driving under the infulence and texting while driving. A hearse

pulled up and Medical Examiner Joseph Horan pronounced the female DOA she was placed in a body bag and wheeled away. Anthony then stated it's around five in the morning the 

accident happened at 3:00AM-Police have to go wake up the parents and tell them the news-then go and identifie the body. If you think someone shouldn't drive-take their keys

call a cab-don't let this drill ruin your Prom. Orange County Deputy Fire Coordinator 36-12 was overseeing the Command of the drill 


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BOB MCCORMICKCorrespondent

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