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Troy Firefighters Handle A Natural Gas Fed Basement Fire On North Lake Avenue

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March 05, 2023 | NEW YORK JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER, Senior Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Troy, NY - On March 5, 2023, at 10:47 AM, the city of Troy‘s fire department was dispatched for a reported structure fire at 29 North Lake Avenue. Engine two, engine four, engine six, truck one, truck two, medic four, the rescue squad, and the battalion chief was dispatched to the scene. The caller reported a possible basement fire and had smoke coming from the vents in the basement.

The battalion chief arrived on scene and had a light smoke condition from the structure and requested all units to continue to the scene. The rescue squad arrived on scene and took the front of the building. As the chief was conducting his primary investigation into the reported fire, the chief notified the units that this is possibly a furnace issue and to make their way to the rear of the building. As firefighters made their way to the basement, they discovered they had a working structure fire and had a gas fed fire in the basement.

Firefighters immediately deployed an inch and three-quarter hand line to the front door, as firefighters were pulling the hand line into the building the hose got stuck on the front screen door so as additional firefighters made their way up to the door firefighters quickly removed part of the front screen door of the house and tossed it out onto the lawn. As firefighters made entry in to the structure if they had a heavy smoke condition inside of the structure and command transmitted the signal thirty for a working structure fire. Firefighters quickly search the structure and made sure everybody had evacuated the building. Firefighters in the basement charged the line and quickly knock down the fire. Firefighters immediately began to check the plenum around where the fire was as they were highly concerned that fire might’ve found its way up into the second floor or the attic area as the structure was a balloon frame building.

As firefighters continued to do overhaul, they discovered they had extension up into the first floor of the structure and quickly knocked down the fire. As firefighters were working on scene and elevator rescue came in for the Hilton Garden Hotel for individuals trapped in the elevator on the fourth floor. The remaining engine company in the city began to make their way to conduct the rescue of the individuals trapped in the elevator. Firefighters continue to conduct overhaul inside of the structure for an extended period of time. National grid arrived on scene and shut off the power and gas to the house.

North Lake Avenue remained shut down for an extended period of time while firefighters continued to work on scene. No injuries were reported the house did suffer fire, smoke, and water damage. The fire is under investigation at this time.

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