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2nd Alarm - Warner NH - 2/15/2024

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February 15, 2024 | NEW HAMPSHIRE SEAN FESKO, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

While Capital Area crews were busy fighting a fourth-alarm fire in Dunbarton on the evening of 2/15/2024, a second fire in the area was toned out in Warner for a home on fire. Because numerous Warner units were already on scene in Dunbarton, automatic mutual aid partners were dispatched to the scene, including engines from Loudon and Allenstown, normally a 30 minute ride from Warner. Bradford units along with a Warner engine not in Dunbarton arrived to find a log cabin fully involved, and a second alarm was dispatched, bringing in further mutual aid from the Capital Area and Kearsarge mutual aid associations. A number of apparatus from the Dunbarton fire were also released to respond to Warner. Companies dealt with live wires in the driveway, a small brush fire threatening to run uphill to another house, and water supply issues due to the lack of hydrants. By the time crews had the fire darkening down, a snowstorm rolled through the area, bringing its own set of challenges with slippery conditions and wind gusts.

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SEAN FESKOCorrespondent

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