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Second-Alarm Fire on Lowell Street in Waltham

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March 26, 2023 | MASSACHUSETTS PETER LOBO, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

WALTHAM, MA - At 7:34 A.M. on March 26th, a call was received at Waltham’s 911 center for an apartment fire at 265 Lowell Street. Engine 1,Squad 5, Rescue 1, and Ladder 2 were dispatched.  

Smoke was showing when companies arrive. Deputy Bob Lahey ordered a working fire when he found people outside the apartment and smoke pumping out the rear. Engine 3 and Medic 1 responded. Shortly after, a second-alarm was transmitted, bringing Engines 2, 4 and 8, along with Tower 1 and Medic 3.

Firefighters were able to access the fire through a bulkhead where they found fire burning in two places. After  about 30 minutes, the bulk of the fire was knocked down. There were no injuries, but the Red Cross took care of the six people who were displaced. Firefighters were on the scene for about four hours.

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PETER LOBOCorrespondent

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