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Bryan County Emergency Services Announces “Employee of the Quarter”

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Bryan County, GA - Firefighter/Paramedic Jeffery “Jeff” Harley has been named the “Employee of the Quarter” for the 1st Quarter of 2020.

Firefighter/Paramedic Harley is with B Shift South Battalion Station 3. He has almost solely implemented the new department's Image-trend software. He helped or has trained all shift personnel, including officers on how to navigate the new software and use it to its full potential.

Firefighter/Paramedic Harley has also helped train personnel on new apparatus and ambulances being put in-service.

Firefighter/Paramedic Jeff Harley is a definite asset to BCES and we congratulate him on a job well done!

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FREDDY HOWELLCorrespondent

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