Apartment building fire in Lacona brings departments from two counties

Photo by Lacona Fire DepartmentFire out the rear of the building.

Photo by Lacona Fire Department

Photo by Lacona Fire DepartmentPulaski Ladder Truck

Photo by Adams Fire DepartmentAdams Ladder Truck
On 2/1/25 at 22:36 hours, the Lacona Fire Department was activated by the Oswego County 911 Center to respond to the area of 15 Park Ave. in the Village of Lacona for a possible structure fire. Sandy Creek FD and Mannsville-Manor FD were dispatched as automatic mutual aid. Sandy Creek Chief (26-0-1) arrived on scene and discovered a two story, wood frame, multi-family dwelling with smoke coming out of the eves. The scene address was updated to 8 Park Ave. All residents were reported to have evacuated from the structure.
Lacona Fire responded with Asst. Chief John Macklen (13-0-2), Engine (13-2-1), Tanker (13-5-1), Utility (13-7-2) and 11 firefighters. Lacona and Sandy Creek Engines arrived simultaneously and began an aggressive interior attack while conducting a search of the building. Crews pulled multiple hand lines and also utilized a deck gun as a master stream once it was confirmed no residents were inside the structure. National Grid was requested to cut power to the building.
Lacona Command requested a ladder truck from Pulaski FD to assist with roof operations and to supply another master stream. Command determined the structural integrity of the building was too dangerous and ordered a mandatory evacuation. All firefighters vacated the structure and began an exterior attack. Command then observed fire to be coming from both the gables of the building and requested a 2nd alarm bringing Lorraine FD, Orwell FD, Ellisburg FD and Mexico FD for RIT to the scene. Command also requested an additional ladder truck from Adams FD. Crews on scene continued to attack the fire while facing the harsh temperatures which dropped to -10°F.
A snow plow was requested to bring sand/salt to help combat the icy conditions forming on the roadways at and around the scene. Crews accessed two fire hydrants, and supplied four hand lines, three master streams, and two aerials. New Haven FD moved an Engine to Pulaski FD station to provide coverage for Oswego County departments and Belleville FD was activated to provide coverage for Jefferson County departments. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. Lacona crews returned to service at 04:19 hours.
The following agencies assisted Lacona at the incident: Sandy Creek FD (1 engine), Mannsville-Manor FD (1 engine), Lorraine FD (1 tanker pumper, 1 light rescue), Ellisburg FD (1 tanker), Orwell FD (1 tanker), Adams FD (1 ladder truck, 1 squad), Pulaski FD (1 ladder truck), Mexico FD (1 engine, 38MC1) for RIT and the mobile cascade unit, New Haven FD (1 engine), Belleville FD, Oswego County Fire Coordinators, Oswego County Fire Investigation Team (FIT), New York State Police, Oswego County Sheriff’s Office, Northern Oswego County Ambulance, the Highway Department, National Grid, and the Oswego County 911 Center. The Lacona FD is also very appreciative of the Huckleberry Café across the street from the fire who opened their doors and provided free coffee and hot chocolate and a well as a warming center for responders. Information for this article was provided by Lacona Fire Chief Dylan Kimball.