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Wrights Corners Fire Co 85th Anniversary Installation

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

To celebrate 85 years of service, Wrights Corners Fire Company went with a Black & White theme, and a special guest speaker Al Sienkiewicz from Webster's Fire department. The President of the Fire Company Michael J Norwood called the ceremony to order, and David Weaver lead the pledge to the flag. As always for the first hour guest and members enjoy cocktails and amazing food provided by Donna Eicks Catering. Music was again handled by Beamin Sounds , nothing but pure entertainment at these events for over 20 years. Chaplin Jack Bridwell provided the invocation. The memorial service and ringing of the bell was held, and then it was time to eat. Hundreds of people did just that, plates of beef, chicken, alfredo, salads, shrimp, the list goes on. Wrights Corners never skimps on their installation celebration. During the dinner hour all screens played a special slide show that was produced with the help of historian Lowell Dickenson and Specialized Services. people, places and scenes from 80 years of history and collections. Once Dinner was over a special guest speaker from the Webster fire department spoke. Wrights Corners had bought its first engine that allowed them to get their rating from Webster. During Mr. Al Sienkiewicz talk and presentation, a home made movie from the 1940s was shown of the new truck. What a show. The road was lined with cars on both sides as a bull dozer plowed a path in the snow so the truck could drive down a hill and actually draft water. The gear was stored on the outside of the engine so it was frozen if it was cold, and wet if it rained. The turn out gear that the original firefighters were wearing during this demonstration made you think you were watching an old superman movie with reporter Clark Kent inn his top hat and long dress jacket. The smile on the firefighters faces as water was sucked from the frozen creek and was pump through these powerful hoses. Well, hoses, one looked like what a heavy duty garden hose may be today and what an old trash line from the 60s was. But, it was a fire truck and it would provide years of life saving service for the Wrights Corners Fire Co.The best part of this old time movie, the bull dozer hooking up to the truck and a hand full of well dressed firefighters pushing the truck back up the hill so it could roll down the road back to the fire hall. President Michael J Norwood provided his report. The it was time for Fire Chief Commander "JJ" Jonathan Mcknight to update the company on calls, and new member s and welcome all the special guest.

It was an amazing celebration for John Lobczowski Sr who was honored for 60 years of service. State Senator Robert Orr was first with a proclamation. Senator Orr is a major supporter of volunteers across the state of New York. he brought to the attention of those celebrating that Wrights Corners has at least four members with over 60 years of service. There were members from the assembly, local Government, Sheriffs Office and more honoring John. 5 years of service went to Mark Hare, 20 years of service to Kelly Simard, (We have covered all 20 of here years, a very active member who helps keep the company moving forward) 30 years of service Kyle LaRuffa and Michael L Norwood who received his award and hug from his son the president. New members Samantha McKeon, Renee Ponter, Thomas Czach were all mentioned.

The Ladies Auxiliary Officers for 2025 President Sherrie Campbell (who finally said I DO after decades), Vice President Sara McKnight, Treasurer Cindy Horner, Recording Secretary Tanya Steinhardt, Corresponding Secretary Kathy Nizialek, 3rd year director Susan Nizialek, 2nd year director Jill Pietkiewicz, 1st year director Tracy Williams.

Fire Company Officers President Michael J Norwood, VP Robert Bruckner, Treasurer Kelly Simard, Recording Sec Linzie Michel, Corresponding Sec. Bonita Reid, Head Trustee Ryan Hnat

Trustee 3 year Shane Brundage, Chaplin Jack Birdwell, Steward Roxanne Davis, Sergant at Arms David Weaver, CHIEF Jonathan McKnight, 1st Ryan Dicinson, 2nd Wallace Linderman, 3rd Zacary Wodo, Master Mechanic Jeffery Lee, Fire Police Matthew Hnat, Parade Marshal Michael J Norwood. The installation Committee Robert Bruckner Chair, Kelly Simard, Lowell Dickinson, Lauren Hunter, Roxanne Davis, Tanya Steinhardt, Sherrie Campbell. it was not just a night to relax and laugh. This ceremony told of the history of the fire company, Lowell provided a multi paged sheet that broke down the who, what, when, and why. Like why are the Wrights Corner truck green and white, no we decided it wasn't a couple Irish firemen at a bar one night. It was members in the war who wrote back to the company and advised the members of the company that the Japanese would bomb anything red. History, memories, and amazing good times, thats a Wrights Corners Installation Dinner.

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STEPHEN WALLACESenior Correspondent

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