Local Fire Company Picks Up the Tab

Photo by PROVIDED(L to R): Kathy Welsh, Public Information Officer Union Vale Fire District, recently presented over 28 pounds of aluminum soda tabs to Home Bureau Eastern District Chairperson Alice Dickson, Dutchess County Home Bureau Chairperson Anne Christmas, and Eastern District/Dutchess County Home Bureau Community Service Chairperson Marie Elliott for Ronald McDonald House Charities.
UNION VALE - The Union Vale Fire Company, located in Dutchess County, NY, began collecting aluminum soda tabs at the end of October and within two months, and thanks to the eagerness and enthusiasm of the public, close to 30 pounds of aluminum tabs were collected for Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Recently, Public Information Officer Kathy Welsh of the Union Vale Fire District donated the first collection of tabs to members of the Eastern District Home Bureau of NYS Federation of Home Bureau Inc. which includes Home Bureau Eastern District Chairperson Alice Dickson, Dutchess County Home Bureau Chairperson Anne Christmas, and Eastern District/Dutchess County Home Bureau Community Service Chairperson Marie Elliott.
Local chapters of the Eastern District Home Bureau of NYS Federation of Home Bureau Inc. have been collecting aluminum tabs for Ronald McDonald House Charities for some time now. Welsh said, “When I heard the Home Bureau was collecting aluminum tabs for a worthy cause, I thought we could help out to collect even more aluminum tabs and invite the public for their support.” And the public came through in flying colors! In just 10 weeks a little over 28 pounds of aluminum tabs were collected.
An individual from as far away as Monticello heard about our campaign through social media and donated several years’ worth of tabs, noted Welsh. And emails and phone calls have been received wanting to support the campaign.
“These tabs will be given to the Ronald McDonald House in Albany to help with their heating expenses. We are very grateful to Kathy Welsh, the fire department, and the entire community for partnering with us and helping to support this project,” said Community Service Chairperson Marie Elliott.
Welsh said the fire company will be collecting aluminum tabs for an all-year campaign in 2025. As a courtesy, and for the public’s convenience, there is a drop-off container at the Union Vale Town Hall, 249 Duncan Road, where the public can bring their aluminum tabs.
“We are very happy to help the Eastern District Home Bureau of NYS collect and give the tabs from our very first campaign to ultimately help Ronald McDonald House Charities,” said Welsh.
Dutchess County Home Bureau, part of the New York State Federation of Home Bureaus, is a women’s organization centered around crafting with a focus on community service, fellowship, and family life. Their local community service efforts focus on helping veterans, those in nursing care facilities, and babies born at Northern Dutchess Hospital and Albany Medical Center. To learn more about Dutchess County Home Bureau’s Community Service efforts or to partner with them, contact Marie Elliott at marieelliott.facs89@gmail.com.