Car Vs. Tanker in Hasbrouck Heights

Photo by Justin Dereuyanik

Photo by Justin Dereuyanik

Photo by Justin Dereuyanik
HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ - A ball of flames closed Route 17 in Hasbrouck Heights on the morning of January 8th as the result of a motor vehicle crash involving an auto and a tanker truck.
The crash was located near an auto business where 26 autos went up in flames. In addition, fire extended into a one-story commercial structure. The fire, which occurred around 5:00 A.M., nearly spread to a storage warehouse, but that was stopped by firefighters from the area departments. Fire Chief Mike Greco described that as a "huge win for us." Radiant heat could be felt on the opposite side of the highway.
The busy highway was completely shut down until around noon. No injuries were reported.
"That's not typical with these types of accidents at all," Greco said. "We usually see multiple fatalities, but we didn't have that, thank God."