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New Jersey Metro Fire Photographers Association

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December 11, 2023 | NEW JERSEY RON JEFFERS, New Jersey Editor
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On December 10th, the New Jersey Metro Fire Photographers Association held a Christmas breakfast and meeting at the Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park. Members remembered the organization's founding member, Rich Wolfson, who passed away in November. In 1984, Wolfson assembled a group of serious fire scene photographers at his firehouse-Garfield Engine Co. 1. That followed with the NJMFPA being formally organized in 1985, with Wolfson as its first president. He was very proud of this organization and the positive public relations created between local fire departments and the group, plus promoting New Jersey's first responders. Participating were many senior members, that now collect a pension and possess gray hair!

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RON JEFFERSNew Jersey Editor

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