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South Wall Rescue 3

This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

South Wall (Monmouth County NJ) Fire Rescue has this 2021 Pierce Arrow XT Heavy Duty walk-in rescue. Rescue 3 is very well setup and has anything you could need for a rescue assignment. Rescue 3 has a Detroit Diesel engine, Allison transmission, TAK-4 front suspension, a 15KW generator, Command Light LED light tower, onboard compressed air storage and electric cord reels. The rig is equipped with Whelen emergency lighting. Some equipment on board includes, Thermal imaging camera, gas meters, voltage detectors, AED, tool box, Full Set of Holmatro tools with pumps, two bumper mounted battery powered Holmatro tools, cribbing, ropes and rigging, search and guide ropes, exhaust and ppv fan, hazmat equipment, power saws, cordless tools, ground zero pump, portable lights and generators, RIT Equipment, Paratech Rescue Struts with assortment of tips for many uses, an array of high and low pressure air bags, High Lift Jacks, Junkyard Dogs, and much more.

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DANIEL MIZAK JRCorrespondent

Response, scene, and apparatus photos and videos from Middlesex County NJ and surrounding areas