Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc.

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Training in Newton

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August 29, 2023 | MASSACHUSETTS Captain Phil McCully, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

Members of Newton Fire recently completed a week-long training with National Rescue Consultants on Vehicle Machinery Rescue at the Technician level. Pictured is the final exercise which challenged the firefighters with a number of different obstacles. Members had to use their skills in lifting, stabilization, extrication, tunneling, side-out removal and of course patient care. Members were tested not only on their techniques but also on their ability to utilize tool management. At the end of the drill there were six rescues performed with our simulated victims (Ruthlee Manikins) ranging from adults to an infant. The complex final exercise took our members two hours to complete and involved over 9 different vehicles. 

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Captain Phil McCullyCorrespondent

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