Stuyvesant Firefighters Honored with Columbia County Firefighter of the Year Award

Photo by Jeffrey Belschwinder/ Sidewinder PhotographyAssistant Chief Andrew Montie, Rescue Capt. Brandon Montie, Rescue Lt. Dan VanAllen, and FF Hailey VanAllen-Hamm have been awarded the 2024 Columbia County Volunteer Firefighters Association Firefighter of the Year Award.
In a historic decision, the Columbia County Firefighter of the Year award committee has elected to recognize a team of firefighters for only the second time in the award's history. This year, the honor goes to Assistant Chief Andrew Montie, Rescue Captain Brandon Montie, Rescue Lieutenant Dan VanAllen, and Firefighter Hailey VanAllen-Hamm of the Stuyvesant Fire Department.
The nomination stems from a remarkable rescue operation on March 9th, 2024. At approximately 2 PM, the Stuyvesant Fire Co., alongside Stuyvesant Falls Fire and the New York State Police, was dispatched by Columbia County 911 to the Lewis Swyer Preserve along the Hudson River. The call involved a mother and her two young children, aged 2 and 4, who were stranded on a trail due to rapidly rising water.
The family had entered the preserve via a raised boardwalk that runs parallel to Mill Creek, unaware of the high waters caused by heavy rains and snowmelt from the previous days. After venturing several hundred feet down the trail, the tide began to rise quickly, submerging the boardwalk in some areas by up to two-feet.
Realizing the danger, the mother called 911. At the time of the call, water was already two-inches above the walkway. By the time the firefighters arrived, the water was continuing to rise rapidly, posing a significant life safety risk.
The rescuers faced treacherous conditions as they made their way along the flooded, muddy boardwalk. The water reached up to 36-inches in some places, and the boardwalk was slippery and difficult to navigate. Using pike poles to steady themselves, the firefighters carefully advanced, fully aware that a single misstep could plunge them into waters over 10-feet deep.
After 30 minutes, the team reached the stranded family, who were standing in cold, muddy waters on a higher section of the trail. Ensuring the safety of the mother and her children, the firefighters devised a plan to escort them out. Carrying the children and using pike poles and ropes, the team began the perilous journey back, with the water continuing to rise.
Forty-five minutes later, they successfully brought the family to safety. This courageous and skillful rescue averted what could have been a tragic outcome, thanks to the calm demeanor of the mother, the efficiency of the 911 dispatchers, and the bravery and teamwork of the Stuyvesant Fire Department volunteers.
For their extraordinary efforts, Assistant Chief Andrew Montie, Rescue Captain Brandon Montie, Rescue Lieutenant Dan VanAllen, and Firefighter Hailey VanAllen-Hamm have been awarded the 2024 Columbia County Volunteer Firefighters Association Firefighter of the Year Award. Their heroic actions stand as a testament to the dedication and valor of volunteer firefighters everywhere.