Structure Fire on Remote Maine Island
July 22, 2024 | MAINE
MALLARY REECE, Correspondent

Photo by Mallary ReeceDeer Isle-Stonington Firefighters on their way to a Structure Fire on Peggy's Island off the coast of Stonington, ME (L to R): Travis Eaton, Broc Eaton, Fire Chief, Steve Rittmeyer and Rylee Eaton

Photo by Mallary ReeceSedgwick & Stonington Firefighter, Jake Shipman, manning an outboard to move firefighters and equipment to the Peggy Island structure fire.

Photo by Mallary ReeceDeer Isle-Stonington Firefighters at the Billings Diesel Marina, hauling gear from the Peggy's Island structure fire
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.
Deer Isle-Stonington Firefighters on their way to a structure fire on Peggy's Island off the coast of Stonington, ME.