Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc.

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50 years of service award, John Borden

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March 14, 2023 | NEW JERSEY JOHN BORDEN, Correspondent
This article is a direct street report from our correspondent and has not been edited by the 1st Responder newsroom.

On Saturday, March 4th, the Marlboro Fire Company held their annual Awards Dinner, where John Borden was recognized for 50 years of active service. Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik and Monmouth County Commissioner Ross Licitra presented John with proclamations, and the fire company presented him with a watch. John has served as Asst. Chief, Chief, Trustee, Life Member, Relief Association Trustee, and currently serves as a Fire Commissioner. John retired as an Asst. Chief for the NJ Department of Human Services, and served Marlboro Township as a Fire Sub Code Official/Fire Official for 38 years, retiring in 2017. He currently works at the Monmouth County Fire Academy and is a facilitator for Kean University Fire Service Division. Also recognized at the dinner were William Higgins for 5 years of service, and Asst. Chief Evan Lavigne for 10 years. 

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JOHN BORDENCorrespondent

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