Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc.

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July 01, 2022 | NATIONAL Pastor Fernando Villicana, Correspondent

I recently responded to a commercial fire a mile or two from my home. As I approached the fire and shot my first few pictures something stood out on me. There seemed to be a certain flow or rhythm taking place. An orchestrated effort by a well trained team of Firefighters. Rigs strategically placed, the first-in Battalion Chief setting up the command post, Captains gathering their crews in a quick huddle to formulate their plan of attack, hose lines being laid out, firefighters getting in position - everyone working together as a fine tuned machine - a strong and efficient team. In short order Fire Attack announced a knock down of the fire and shortly after it was extinguished. This takes unity!

It all reminded me of a quote I recently read: “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, but working together is success.” Henry Ford

The scripture tells us: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble...a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)

Our greatest achievements will be realized as we work together. We will always be greater than ourselves when we partner with others.

For a number of years the Chicago Bulls couldn’t get past the NBA playoffs. Because while they had probably the best basketball player who ever lived (Michael Jordan), a man who was almost superhuman in his ability - they couldn’t win without cooperating and playing as a team. They added key players like Scottie Pippin and believed that if they strived together they could rise to win the Championship - and they did because they learned to play as a team.

When we coordinate our efforts with the efforts of others, we speed the way to our goals. Cooperation among each other builds success.

That’s why St. Paul said: “...there should be no divisions among you...live together in harmony...” Philippians 2:2

The Fire Department works as a team. Let us all do everything we can to “live together in harmony” and keep whatever Department we belong to the best team ever.

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Pastor Fernando VillicanaCorrespondent

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