Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc.

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How to Enjoy the People in Your Life

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May 01, 2024 | NATIONAL Pastor Fernando Villicana, Correspondent

Summer is right around the corner - already. What does summer mean to you? For me it usually equates to much more time enjoying good weather with friends and family. For many in the fire service it means time to ENJOY vacation(s). In the Bible, most of Philippians is a positive book and has been referred to as “the joy book.”  The words "joy" or "rejoice" or "be glad" are used 17 different times in this book. 

In the very first chapter, Paul starts off talking about people. Have you noticed that if relationships are bad, life stinks. If relationships are strained, life is difficult. If you have problems with people it kills the joy in your life. Do you enjoy the people around you? The people that you work with? The people in your family? The people in your church? Do you enjoy the person that you're married to? 

Too many times we don't really enjoy the people in our lives, we tolerate them, we put up with them. We endure them. So, what does it take to enjoy the people in your life? 

Be grateful for the good in people. 

Philippians 1:3. St. Paul said: "I thank my God every time I remember you."

Paul said I like to remember the good things about people. And although there is always going to be imperfection in people, I focus on the good times we've had,remember the positive experiences. What do you remember about people? The good experiences or the bad experiences.

When Paul said this he had not had an easy time in Philippi. When he went to Philippi he was arrested illegally, he was whipped, humiliated, thrown in prison. While in prison there was an earthquake. Then he was asked to leave town. Paul did not have a good time in Philippi, he had a bad time. Yet he says, when I think of you I remember the good things. "I thank God every time I remember you." 

Paul could have dwelt on the negative, the painful memories. But instead, he focused on the things he could be grateful for and that lead to his joy. Maybe you have, in your past, been hurt by a family member or a friend and you're still holding on to that hurt. Well, don’t you think it’s time you forgive and be grateful for the good in people. Pleasant memories are a choice.  I can choose what I'm going to remember about the past.

So, let’s enjoy spring as it lead us all to summer. Let’s choose to appreciate those who God has brought into our lives and forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lord, help us to enjoy the people in our lives.


Pastor Fernando Villicana

Fire Service Chaplain

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Pastor Fernando VillicanaCorrespondent

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